

Racial equity.


Gender parity.



“Microaggressions and ‘othering’ behavior still occur towards women of color at a far higher rate than towards white female employees.”

--McKinsey & Company 2021 Women In The Workplace Report--

The first step of an equitable culture stems from a strategic desire coupled with decisive action

to ensure that all employees, feel as though they “belong.”

This is especially true for multicultural leaders who come from a Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) background.

If your organization is strengthening its commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, then professional development opportunities should also be integral components of your DEI strategy.

Give your leaders the tools and resources they need to be highly effective and highly accountable leaders

who consistently drive business results.  

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Engagement, development and retention strategies are particularly important for Leaders of Color who may often not have the same access as other leaders to high visibility projects, mentoring and sponsoring opportunities to achieve career and leadership success.  

By creating targeted professional growth and development programs, we can help organizations leverage diversity imperatives to maximize performance of leaders within the BIPOC demographic.  

And, because of our backgrounds, this is not your ordinary leadership program; we tackle specific topics that speak to the hearts and minds of leaders from underrepresented communities in a bold and unapologetic way.

Connect with us to learn more.   

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women’s leadership

Not only is Women’s Leadership development a smart business investment, but a necessity in today’s environment, especially given the impact of COVID-19 on the career trajectories of women.  

Because we know the challenges many women face in getting to and succeeding in leadership roles, our programming comes with industry research and best practices, as well as observations and lessons learned from a team who has navigated this path.

Let us help your organization strengthen the skills your women leaders need, coupled with a sustainable strategy and plan to retain them.

“Despite recent gains in the share of women in leadership, with 25% in senior management roles as of early 2020, the pandemic has undone much of that progress — with women now leaving the workforce at much higher rates than men.”

---Center for Creative Leadership (now known as COQUAL)—-

Isn’t it time to create a diverse leadership pipeline at your organization ?

Reach out to learn how we can help.